Funded by the Horizon 2020 framework (Call: Information and Communication Technologies, Disruptive Photonics Technology), the European consortium for REAP consists of 9 multidisciplinary teams from academia, research institute and industry spanning areas of expertise in biology, material science, oncology, chemistry, photonics, electrical and biomedical engineering. In order to benefit from external input, representatives from industry, academia, and health care institutes form an advisory board providing feedback on improvements and adjustments to the project.
Efforts will be intertwined to spear head developments of microscopy and tomography multimodal imaging systems to provide a platform revealing drug tolerant persister cells in breast cancer in a preclinical setting.

The pink ribbon as international symbol for breast cancer awareness highlights the biological topic of REAP. The three golden ovals represent both organoids and the gold nanoparticle which is used for contrast enhancement in REAP. The two curved lines between the pink ribbon and the golden ovals represent the photoacoustic pulses. Combined, the logo illustrates the idea of using contrast enhanced optical imaging for solving a biomedical question in breast cancer: Revealing drug tolerant persister cells in cancer using contrast enhanced optical coherence and photoacoustic tomography.
9 Consortium members
4 University Partners
The Medical University of Vienna has 2 subdivisions partaking in this project:
- Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (CMPBME)
CMPBME is coordinating the EU funded project REAP and participates in various biophotonics related tasks such aid developing PAT detector arrays and integrate OC-PAT system. Homepage
- Institute of Cancer Research
Provide biological models and preclinical validation for the optical imaging systems developed in this consortium. Homepage
Chemical surface functionalization of the nanoparticle-based contrast agent for water transfer and stabilization in biological media. Advanced biofunctionalization for developing contrast agents capable of tumor cell targeting. Homepage
Development of NIL process for waveguides, MRRs and MRR arrays for the detection of photoacoustic fields. Homepage
Develop and implement software for visualization and image analysis. Image reconstruction, needle detection and tracing. Automatic segmentation and quantification of signals of interest. Implementation of deep learning methods for image analysis. Homepage
1 Research Institute Partner
Nanostructure fabrication by nanoimprint lithography and thin film deposition techniques to realize tailor-made nanoparticles that are the base of the imaging contrast agent. Structural and optical nanoparticle characterization. Simulation and design of integrated-optical waveguide based micro-resonator structures and optical characterization for the development of ultrasonic detectors. Micro-resonator array design and support of resonator array assembly. Homepage
4 Industrial Partners
Development of advanced high-energy pulsed PAM laser sources based on proprietary Q-switched μ-chip technology. Providing a novel cost-effective laser platform with compact footprint and tailorable features for repetition rate, pulse duration, and wavelengths. Homepage
Development of highest pulse repetition rate and at the same time high output pulse energy OPOs. Development of advanced output beam diagnosis like pulse-to-pulse energy measurement. Homepage
Development of 2PLS-OC-PAM, including synchronization electronics and measurement control software as well as the implementation of novel light sources and detectors for OC-PAM. LaVision Homepage, Miltenyi Biotec Homepage
Develop narrow linewidth tunable lasers at 767 nm with integrated hybrid ECL technology. Photonic Integrated technology based on silicon nitride waveguides support small and compact photoacoustic detectors and detector arrays. Homepage
5 Advisory Board members
Dr. Zweigerdt has extensive experiences in using imaging products in medical research and is an expert in organoid research.
Prof. Manohar has decades of experience in photoacoustic imaging.
Dr. Haslinger is an expert in nanofabrication and nanoimprint lithography.
Dr. Nölleke is program and product manager for laser products and laser systems.
Dr. Baltzer is an internationally recognized expert in gender imaging with a focus on breast and prostate cancer diagnosis.
Medical University of Vienna,
Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna,
Austria, Europe - +43 1 40400 17150
- contact@projectReap.com